Friday, September 16, 2011

Sifting Random Pt2

So last post was a long-winded definition of a concept that i think anyone who's played a game before is naturally familiar with. Find and Choose, random and determined, order and chaos, however you want to describe it, there it is. I also mentioned that Choose is the 800lb gorilla menacing my thoughts whenever playing, designing, or philosophizing about games. This post, i'm going to turn the gorilla outwards and let him menace you.  I've made peace with him, hopefully you can, too.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Shifting Random or Sifting Random?

Hey, how are ya?

So last time, i mentioned talking about Borderlands 2 with my next post.  I'm actually changing from that.  I want to talk about something always in front of my mind when it comes to games and gaming theory.  Unfortunately, i don't know a concise way to say it, though i blurted out something like it at the end of my previous post.

I'll go with "Choose vs Find".  Choose refers to the player deciding precisely the tools they use to interact with the world, and Find refers to content that you have little say over.  Indeed, Find refers to content that very few have sway over, save the developing entity taken as a whole.